PREPHOUSE LLC177 Hollister dr, Avon, CT 06001+1 (203) 243 - 1962gro.esuohperp%40nimda
1. General Provisions1.1. This agreement defines the terms of participation in the program, payment schedule, refund policy, and the provision of services.1.2. Participation in the program is confirmed by making a payment. By making the payment, the participant agrees to the terms outlined in this agreement.
2. Refund Policy2.1. Refunds are available under the following conditions:● A 100% refund request must be submitted no later than 3 calendar days before the program starts if 2 of the following conditions are met: 1)   - no services were provided to the student 2) - no learning materials were shared with the student 
● A 50% refund request must be submitted no later than day 7 of the program, from the day of the first material shared with the student and if 2 of the following conditions are met:1)   - student haven’t moved further than 1st module on the learning platform and didn’t watch any other learning materials besides Module number 1.   2)   - student haven’t received an updated resume from the course mentors. 3)   - Processing fee will be deducted from every refund to cover transaction fees, but shall not exceed $100. 
2.2. Refunds are not available if one of the following is happened:● If more than 20% of the program materials were watched or opened by the student. ● If a student shared our learning laterals with non-students of the current group or distributed to others, including third-parties. ● If the program reached day 8 and further. (Start day counts from the day, when the student received access to first learning materials). 
2.3. To request a refund, the participant must submit a written request via email to the program organizer, including:● Full name.● Date of payment.● Amount paid.● Reason for the refund.
3. Program Payment Schedule3.1. Payments for the program must be made according to the following schedule:   - A week prior official start — a minimum payment of $300 (deposit).   - A day of official start — payment of at least 50% of the program’s total cost.   - 2 weeks past the start — full payment of 100% of the program’s cost.
4. Program Format and Participation Terms4.1. The program includes (based on selected package):   - training with access to materials, support from a curator, and expert consultations.   - Group sessions conducted via Zoom, with topics determined by the mentor and expert.   - Communication with the mentor in the chat and the opportunity to book individual reviews.
4.2. Terms vary depending on the chosen plan:The “Independent” plan does not include group calls with the curator and experts.Other plans include online meetings scheduled according to a predefined timetable.4.3. All access to training materials, Zoom sessions, and the participant chat will be sent by the curator to the telegram group and /or learning platform, with an access period determined by the selected package (independent - 6 month, with support - 12 month, with expert Krystyna Sylyvonchyk - 24 months) 4.4. Chat support is available for 3 months from the moment of invitation.
5. Technical Issues5.1. The organizers are not responsible for temporary interruptions to access to materials or sessions caused by technical issues (e.g., platform outages, internet disruptions, etc.). In the event of force majeure:Missed sessions will be rescheduled.Recordings of the sessions will be provided to participants.
6. Payments and Data Protection6.1. Payments can be made through the following systems: Zelle, PayPal, Stripe, Klarna6.2. All client data is securely protected. The organizers guarantee the confidentiality and safety of personal information.
7. Program Guarantees7.1. We guarantee that:The program materials will be distributed in the timely manner to the students. The adequate support will be provided by the course mentors and experts in group chat and private messages. The course plan and live sessions will be performed in accordance with a schedule. 
Upon completion, a student will have a good understanding of the current US job market and will have a strategy, how to navigate a job market to break-through the “shadow ban” to get more attention as a candidate and have greater success in getting interviews. 
7.2. For Job Matrix course, In case if student didn’t receive a single interview invite in the period of 3 month since the program has started, we guarantee to provide additional 2-month support or until the first interview (which will happen sooner), only if ALL of the conditions are met: student watched ALL of the learning materials provided by the Prephouse student attended or watched recordings of ALL live sessions and webinars within the course schedule student completed ALL homeworks and received acceptance from the mentor on completed homeworks student applied to at least 500 job postings and kept track on a progress in excel spreadsheetthe student is willing to share with the Prephouse team all information about applied jobs and show the proof (by request) that he/she indeed applied to at least 500 job postings. 
8. Final Provisions8.1. This agreement takes effect upon payment.8.2. Any disputes or disagreements related to participation in the program will be resolved through negotiation. 8.3. The participant agrees to review the refund policy and terms of participation in the program prior to making a payment.
For any questions or concerns, Prephouse should be contacted via email: gro.esuohperp%40nimda